I am having a difficult time getting the Hit event or on or ActorBeginOverlap event to happen on some actors that I am spawning into the map. I have created a baseCube class that 7 types of cubes inherit from.
I created a collision box in the base cube. I use these cubes in a different actor called tetromino. (the main game mechanic of this game is tetris) So there are four of these cubes that make up the different tetromino pieces all different actors that inherit from a class called baseTetromino. here are some images.
I use a boolean called placed? that will stop the piece from moving if it is set to true. I set placed? to true for the Hit and ActorBeginOverlap events.
I have set the generateOverlap property to true in both the baseCube and BaseTetromino classes.
but when they collide they continue to just fall through each other. I believe I want to use the Hit event as I just want the actor to stop falling when it lands on it. I may be wrong though. Either way I am having trouble. Do i need to make another collision box for each tetrtis piece as well? I fell like the fact I only am using a collision box on the base Cube is causing a problem. I have physics simulation turned off as I do not want a reaction just for them to simply stop moving. Feel free to comment if i need to post more information. This is all done in blueprints.