Hi, first of all, id like to know, what you mean by grayscale map? You got some textures, but in which format?
We are using a 32bit .tga (with alpha channel) or 24bit (without alpha channel) format with RLE compression. Targa is lossless and really bad for images, but very good for icons and such things. (I’m not sure but I think Unreal is applying a RLE compression by itself after import).
Lets say you have a mesh without alpha, you have a albedo map, a roughness map, a metallic map, a aspecular map and a normal map. Thats a total of 5 textures.
Albedo and normal map do need all 3 channel (most time) but the other 3 only use 1 channel.
So you can create one texture in Photoshop or whatever, import your metal-map, change the color to 255,0,0
Import metalmap, set the color to 0,255,0 and the specular to 0,0,255.
Now you can import your newly created texture and use separate pins for the materials.
Here we have a brown leather Material:
To be honest, I’m not quiet sure what you exactly wanted to know, and I think I missed your question because I inly know my workflow, but I do fine with sRGB