Yes its definitly a problem,
I think the validation issue is an error that needs to be addressed by Epic,
Running validation on the actor doesn’t help.
I havent seen a workaround posted, but this has been happening for a while
I wonder if deleting it and then going into creative build mode to place it would work ?
Reference ID
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Using “IO BLIMP” prefab from Fortnite/Prefabs/others is causing issues in project validation.
Steps to Reproduce
Drag “IO Blimp” prefab to environment
Launch session
Validation fails
Expected Result
Project runs with no issues…
Observed Result
The issues are in Blimp_NoseCone and Blimp_TailCone_A meshes, please refer to…
Hi, i get this message when i try to push changes
AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] /Gameparkour/Gameparkour_5 : Le composant /Gameparkour/Gameparkour_5.Gameparkour_5:PersistentLevel.CP_Blimp_NoseCone_A_NoDestroy_C_UAID_D85ED3A667E6969B01_1729271829.EditorOnlyStaticMeshComponent est réservé à l’éditeur, mais il a un enfant joint /Gameparkour/Gameparkour_5.Gameparkour_5:PersistentLevel.CP_Blimp_NoseCone_A_NoDestroy_C_UAID_D85ED3A667E6969B01_1729271829.SM_Blimp_NoseCone_A qui ne l’est pas