Component Import Fail

OS: Windows 10, Branch: Binary.

I have a Parent_Blueprint derived from a C++ class(Custom AActor class) and two Child_Blueprints derived from Parent_Blueprint. The Parent_BP contains several components, added via C++, among others 3 sphere components and 2 custom actor components.

Now I have added a new custom scene component to Parent_BP the same way as before, and at first eveything works fine. But when I close the editor and reopen it I get the error message that my components failed to import on my two Child_BPs inside the level. The error message does not appear when I remove all Child_BPs from the map, also placing only Parent_BPs on the map works fine. If the error message is shown, the new component does nothing(but can be seen and edited on the BPs).

I found out that the error message occurs(on reload) as soon as I place a reference to the new component inside Parent_BP event graph. I also managed to work around this issue by placing a reference to said component inside the 2 Child_BP’s event graph, which got rid of the error message and made everything work fine(also deleting the references in Child_BP after placing them once was ok).


I have been able to reproduce your issue, and have entered a bug report (UE-24043). Thank you for your report. Also, I have verified that your workaround is feasible for now until this issue has been addressed.

Have a great day,

Sean Flint