"Component has tag" check not working.

The character has a sphere collision on the left hand. A tag was added “lefthand” all lowercase one word.

Using the component has tag node hooked into a branch does not work for some reason.

However, if I bypass the branch, it of course works.


I would like to know why that tag check is not working? Any help is appreciated thanks.

Hey @usa423!

Before assuming it’s the LeftHandCollisionTPC… Let’s make sure that’s actually what is colliding. Try putting a printstring there in between your two nodes, and pass the “OtherActor” blue wire into the PrintString’s String node. Then it should print the exact name of the component being overlapped! :slight_smile:

Once we know for SURE that’s what is overlapping we can go from there but… what I’m seeing right now is simply proof that what is colliding is not the LeftHandCollisionTPC but possibly the CharacterMesh. :slight_smile:


It seems to only print thirdpersoncharacter.

@usa423 Apologies, I meant the “OtherComponent” wire. The one you’re using actively.

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Its all good :slight_smile:

At this distance I get this.

Even closer, it seems to also get the right hand though he is throwing left jabs, and oddly its not picking up the left hand collision.

Well, now that we know this, we know it’s not the branch! :smiley:

So now to continue the tests to figure out what exactly the issue is!

Try taking your LeftHandCollisionTPC collider there, select it, go into the details window and tick “HiddenInGame” to FALSE- we want to see it in action and make sure it’s going where it’s supposed to and not stationary or anything like that! :slight_smile:

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You might be onto something here! In game I do not see that collision though it should be visible now.

I reparented those hands and feet collisions to the capsule. Then I could see it but notice it fell off so I saw it had physics and gravity turned on. I turned it off and noticed the left hand collision did not follow the left hand…I guess cause its not parented to the mesh…hmm…let me reparent them to the mesh and see if it is visible now.

Even after reparenting them to the mesh, I can see it now, but it still does not follow the left hand.

I guess it needs a socket selected. BRB

Ah, you’re not attaching it to a bone or socket, but just the mesh! So you need to open your skeleton and add a socket to the closest bone you can get, save that, then use this node to attach your hitbox!

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Do I have to use that for attaching at runtime? Could I not just choose like a chest bone for the enemies damagebox like I attached the hands and feet collisions to bones?

Oh! No you can do that, for sure! I just usually do it this way in Construction mode as I use somewhat of a different workflow for my personal work- switching out hitboxes etc for my latest personal project is pretty regular so that was my first thought. :slight_smile:

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Ok I just parented the enemies damage box to the mesh so I could access sockets and chose the neck socket and positioned it back how I had it. Now, that we got that, I guess its back to the OP.

Here is the current result.
It still only registers the mesh. Just tryed the tag check again and nothing.

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