"Equal Equal" node not working.

I’m checking to see if the overlapped other actor is the third person character. I actually wasn’t through in my other thread tonight and accidentally or prematurely hit the solved button, but there was no way to take that back so moving on I guess…

The box collision is parented to the mesh and is attached to the neck socket. It has generate overlap events checked. And has its own collision object channel.

(forgot to mention it is currently set to overlap all just to be sure)

The equal equal node is set to the third person character, yet the print string is not firing. Any idea why its not working? Any and all help is appreciated, thanks!

bump bump

Hey there @usa423! I believe the actor comparison there is looking for the exact actor referenced, not an instance of it. This however, should work. Give it a try!

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That works!! Thank you!!!

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