its not the compiling of shaders that is way too slow.
Its actually your computer that is too slow.
The suggested (minimal) cpu speed is quad core, 2.5 ghz.
only 8b of ram is just cutting it.
not to mention that your gpu is… well… rather lacking oomph.
the open world demo collection was made for ultra high end computers with top of the line cpu’s, nvidia titan gpu’s, 32-64 gb’s of ram, has 4096 & 8192 resolution textures that will flood that little bit of ram you have.
Its better with your low end specs to use the infinity blade content, which is made for mobile.
and since your laptop-esque computer thing has specs that resemble close to current gen mobile devices…
thats what you should focus on unless you can dish out 1500-3000 dollar for a new pc.