I’m having issues opening projects stored on a network drive.
First and foremost, the same projects in the same machine successfully build in visual studio and open in unreal when using a local copy. The problem only arises when the project files are located in our company’s servers.
Opening the .uproject file, i get the
the following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: [project name] would you like to rebuild them now?
error message. If i click yes, i get the
[project name] could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.
error message.
If I open the visual studio solution first I get the following popup:
An error occurred while creating or opening the C++ browsing database file […].vs[project name]\v17\Browse.VC.db. IntelliSense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects
(note, i normally get this popup when opening a local project at the same time in two different visual studio instances)
Then if I rebuild the entire solution (Win64) it succeeds. If i start ue from within VS, i get a different error
Unable to start program ‘[correct ue install path]\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Unused\UE4.exe’ The system cannot find the file specified.
Even after the successful rebuild, I still get the first error when trying to open the .uproject file. If I rebuild from VS in the server, and then copy the exact project folder in local, I can open the .uproject without issues.
Can anyone help with this issue? I’m getting quite desperate. I don’t see any reason why everytwhing works with locally stored projects, and everything breaks with projects stored on a network drive.
The closest issue I found is this post from 2015 ( Can’t build C++ project located on network drive - Programming & Scripting / C++ - Unreal Engine Forums; i tried to apply the solution proposed by Rumbleball, but nothing changed.
Also note that making a C++ project unrelated to unreal, and storing it in the server, I can open it in visual studio, compile it and run it without any issue besides the “intellisense can’t open browse.vc.db” warning.
I’m using Visual Studio 2022 and Unreal Engine 4.27, but as soon as I get this to work I’ll have to make sure Unreal Engine 5 works as well in the same environment.