Compiling my plugin on mac

Hello! I have a plugin which successfully compiles on Windows. I am now trying to compile it on mac; I am on 4.6.1 and 10.10, with latest xcode installed.

When I run GenerateProjectFiles.command script on clean UE4, valid xcode project file is generated and I can compile Unreal Engine.

When I drop my plugin source into Engine/Plugins/Runtime, just like on Windows and run GenerateProjectFiles.command script, it generates xcode project, but when I try to open it, it gives me this:

I tried diffing generated project files but it seems they are quite different. Has anyone encountered this problem? Thanks!

We’ve tracked this problem to plugin .build.cs file, more specifically, adding a macro string define, for example: Definitions.Add( “BAR=“Foo””) . This works fine on Windows (valid visual studio project is generated). But if on Mac it results in unparseable / invalid xcode project.

Maybe someone will find this helpful.

Update, this seems to be invalid on Windows now too (having quotes in defines) and will produce resource error.