I have been getting a weird error in an unreal project recently, there are a number of compilation errors in various different blueprints that after being resolved they reappear after restarting the editor.
This issue has appeared recently in at least 5 different blueprints with varying behaviour but each having one feature in common that the issue will come back after restarting. Some of the errors have been fixed, but I have been unable to successfully replicate the fix for all affected blueprints.
I will outline the different instances of the error (I cannot remember the full details of some of the instances due to me fixing them a while ago and being unable to replicate them)
Instance 1 (and 2):
The first two instances are fairly identical - two blueprints that were similar (i.e shared some interfaces and had similar behaviour) would prevent me from using the play in editor function with the warning: âOne or more blueprints have unresolved compiler errors, are you sure you want to Play in Editorâ followed by the names of the two blueprints.
Upon opening these two blueprints the compile button has the error during compilation symbol and upon pressing compile, the blueprint would compile without error and everything would work when playing in editor. Until restarting when the issue came back
Instance 3:
After a short time of development (approx one day later) another blueprint (animation blueprint ABP_HeavyTurret) I had been working on came up with a similar error. The error appeared after changing an interface (I_TurretAnimation) that the ABP blueprint used.
The error appeared to be identical to the previous instances however upon more investigation the error mutated into a slightly different form.
When looking through the blueprint I noticed that the ABP_HeavyTurrets implementation of one of the functions from the I_TurretAnimation had lost its return pins - the interface defined two return pins (vector and rotator) however the ABP_HeavyTurret implementation of it had no return pins. This did not appear to stop the compile and would remain the same after compilation. I attempted to fix it by refreshing the node, the output pints then appeared as expected and all looked good and everything worked. Until restarting when the issue came back and the return node once again had no output pins.
I then decided to experiment a bit and after refreshing the node to get the return pins back I added a wire leading into the return pins (using make rotator and make vector and dragging a wire from their outputs into the return nodes pins) I then compiled, and everything works as expected until restarting when the issue came back - this time there was an error that did not go away when pressing compile - the return node had returned to its previous state of having no output pins and the two wires coming in were marked as errors as they were connected to nonexistent pins. I then decided to modify the interface I_TurretAnimation since this appeared to be central to the issue. I added a dummy function (called MagicFunctionThatFixesThings) to the interface, compiled and I never had an issue with the ABP_HeavyTurret again. This was the only instance of the bug I was able to completely fix without creating more issues elsewhere
Instance 4:
Again a short time later I was working on some blueprints, structs and interfaces (I modified a struct used in an interface that the affected blueprint implemented) and the issue spread to another blueprint - a blueprint (BP_BaseTurret) had a compilation error (that had not been there before closing the projectm this only appeared after opening the project agian)
This one actually had an error that required fixing before it would compile:
This was fixable by simply refreshing the two nodes and reconnecting the pins, and everything worked. Until restarting when the issue came back. The error itself appears in the implementation of the function Damage from an interface I_Damageable (this interface was an old one that was scheduled for removal, in a later attempt at a fix I replaced this with a newer interface to no avail)
The errors given were the following:
Canât connect pins Damage and Damage Instance : Only exactly matching structures are considered compatible.
Canât connect pins Damage Instance and Damage : Only exactly matching structures are considered compatible.
Upon hovering over the damage pin of the function input node it had the following popup:
Fallback Struct Structure
As I mentioned before, these errors were fixable by refreshing the node, reconnecting them and recompiling, and the errors re-appeared after restarting the editor.
Instance 5 (and a temporary 6, 7?):
This one appeared after attempting a fix for instance 4 - in the process I modified the interface it was using (adding another dummy function similar to when I fixed instance 3) and modified the struct the interface used (adding a new dummy variable)
This fixed instance one and two of the bug (???), however as well as not fixing instance 4 (BP_BaseTurret) it also broke the HealthSystem blueprint (which made use of the interface), and broke BP_PrototypeEnem and a blueprint TestEnemy. Out of these new broken blueprints only the TestEnemy blueprint seemed to be broken and upon restarting, instance 1 and 2 re-broke while BP_BaseTurret and TestEnemy remained broken while the other two blueprints suddenly resumed to normal.
The test enemy blueprint was fixable by refreshing the nodes, however broke again after a restart.
At one point while experimenting when instead of restarting I attempted to fix the errors:
All four were caused by the same function node (the damageable interfaces damage function input node, however the individual nodes had different issues:
In cases 1, 2 and 4, the error given was:
In use pin Damage no longer exists on this node. Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
and the damage struct pins that were unused upon hovering my mouse over them I got:
STRUCT REINST Damage Instance 0 Structure
To fix these errors I simply refreshed the nodes and rewired them as needed, then it compiled and ran the project in editor - it gave no errors and everything seemed to work (after fixing the other errors). However upon restarting, I got the first two original instances of the issue back, the fourth issue and the TestEnemy blueprint.
A number of different blueprints have had errors, with the reocouring them that after fixing the issues they would reappear after restarting. They seemed to be related to an interface (except instance 2 which was related to a different interface and is now working, but for a brief period of time had the same issue). Possibly it was triggered by changing an interface that was in use by another blueprint however in this case I would expect after refreshing the relevant blueprint nodes and saving the issue to remain resilved after re-opening the engine.
This issue is making it quite difficult to proceed with the project as for each broken blueprint I have to âfixâ them after launching the editor before I can test my project. This slows me down, and I am concerned about working with the blueprints due to the possibility of the issue spreading.
My project is using Version Control (GIT), I am able to revert to the different stages of development experimenting with different fixes, all to no avail. Here is a rough overview of the history of the issue (with branches being areas where I attempted two different fixes using git to revert back):
There is another developer also working on the project who also get the compile errors - whatever the cause of the error it is something that gets synced when using git so it would seem unlikely that it is anything to do with the local engine installation or anything in the intermediate/saved folders as they are added to our gitignore.
I still have some ideas of what to try to fix the error, but it seems clear there is a bug, as either the blueprints are broken and it falsely reports them as working after pressing compile, or the engine incorrectly saves/loads the blueprints so when restarting the error comes back.
Sorry for the long and rambling post, I wanted to include any relevant information I could think of.