In unreal engine 4.10.1 I was playing around with different movement systems, and I tried to compile it and sent it to some friends for their thoughts, but every time I compiled (for windows), this happened as the bloom when I ran it.
But in engine, even in standalone mode it worked fine.
I have tried it as 64bit and 32bit, I have built the lighting and everything several times, I have cooked the level, I have tried changing the lighting from stationary to static and moveable. I don’t know what is happening.
Hello Hobogoblin101 -
Can you let me know what if any Post Process Settings you are using in your project? If you are not explicitly setting anything via your camera or post process volume also let me know that? Also in the Editor what is your Engine Scalability set to?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
In engine I am on the highest settings for all. Post Process Settings are default for ue 4.10.1
Hi -
Can you post the settings you are using for the following items: SkySphere and Atmospheric Fog, Your Directional Light, Any Sphere Reflection Actors, Skylights? Also, can you let me know what material settings are on your pawn actor (shown in the picture above.)?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Okay, worked out what it is, after ignoring it. Apparently the arrow components are super reflective by default :\
It is literally the base 4.10.01 ue4 thirdperson blueprint setup. I downloaded 4.10.1 as a fresh install then created a thridperson template, changed the mesh, and added some arrow to display velocity and, BAM that happened