Community Tutorial: Unreal Engine 5.3.2 for Meta Quest VR

Hey everyone,

In case anyone was wondering, I managed to package with UE 5.4 using the steps in this guide.
The app runs and seems to be stable.

The only hiccup is that the virtual keyboard does not appear when clicking a text box (on a quest 2). Not sure what causes the this as I never had this issue before.

Any ideas?

I did post about the Virtual Keyboard issue with a solution a few versions ago, its a bug in Unreal and the workaround is fun: Virtual Keyboard Quest 2, UE5.1 - #7 by ssamevanss

I’ve not used this workaround in awhile as it keyboard on Quest is so bad I rolled my own that doesn’t require typing as an input.

I did already have the manifestoverride in place.
I don’t have Requires system keyboard enabled for 5.3.2 and yet the packaged app has the virtual keyboard
I guess I’ll have to wait for the MetaXR plugin for 5.4.
Thanks for the info nonetheless!

For me this SetupAndroid.bat error was fixed by:

  • opening Android Studio
  • More Actions → SDK Manager
  • SDK Tools tab
  • uncheck Show Package Details
  • make sure “Android SDK Command-line Tools (Latest)” is checked, not a dash
  • click OK, it installed a newer version of “Android SDK Command-line Tools (Latest)” (13.0, I think I just had 11.0 previously)

Hi I’m running into an issue where i am able to build and package the vr template project into my meta quest pro without a problem. However, when I run vr preview on my computer with live link enabled, it doesn’t seem to connect to the live link. I can hear audio but it renders the vr preview as though it were on the desktop rather than rendering it virtual space in my headset. For reference this is what I see in vr: