Community Tutorial: Unreal Engine 5.3.2 for Meta Quest VR

I’ve updated the setup guide for v62 as a number of fixes that make the process a little simpler have been made to the plugins. I also updated a few other tools to latest versions. Everything has been tested on a fresh install of Windows 11, as always, have fun.

Experiencing this now. Were you able to find a way around the square outline? Thanks

For those wondering it currently does not work on 5.4.

I can’t make it work for my setup :disappointed_relieved:.
I have an issue when I try to export my project, it says that SDK is not installed.

I can’t still play the game in my quest3 with VR preview, this is working, only the build is not working.

I follow the documentation to the T.
One thing tho is that I don’t have this on my Flamingo 2022.2.1 patch 2

  1. Under the “SDK Tools” tab expand “Android SDK Build-Tools 34”

What I have is : Android SDK Build-Tools 35-rc2

I’m trying to simply test the export so I’m trying to build the default VR template from Unreal, no modification.

One last thing, my Java is installed same location but jdk-17 instead of jdk-17.0.10 but that should not be an issue.

Here is what I see when I try to build


These are my env which were set by running the SetupAndroid as describe in the doc.

I’m desperate, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Tomtom. I’ve fixed the “SDK Tools” tab version number, the “Android SDK Build-Tools 35-rc2” should be fine. Within your Unreal Project “Edit/ Project Setting/Platforms/Android SDK” is everything looking OK?

Something like this, for instance. Also, remember to remove JAVA_HOME from your Environment Variables, as noted in the “Unreal Engine Android Setup” section of the guide (Epic fixed this in UE5.4). After running the “SetupAndroid.bat,” you can always put JAVA_HOME back.

Ok so I removed the JAVA_HOME as asked


And yes the Android SDK are look fine


So… I’ve completely removed Java and android both sdk and studio.

I’ve reinstall everything and now it is working :exploding_head:

Thing that could help:

  • First I’ve used JAVA installer instead of Compressed Archive. Now I used the Compressed Archive and paste it in Program Files
  • When I reinstall everything on the android, on the SDK - for Android API 34 I ticked EVERYTHING. I don’t think it was all ticked before that could be it.

I don’t think you need all of Android 34, only the default Android SDK Platform 34, Sources for Android 34, and Google APIs Intel x86_64 Atom System Image. Regarding the Compressed vs the installer - I wouldn’t be surprised if it installs additional settings. That’s why the guide recommends downloading the compressed archived version.

just a quick cry for assistance. i’ve been trying to install 5.3.2 on a M1 MacStudio and i followed this guide. i already had the Quest app and MQDH installed and working fine for Unity.

so the editor opens, but it can’t compile or open a VR project without crashing.

i know this guide is for Windows and i do have a Windows laptop but it’s got a 1070 and i know that’s a pretty old GPU. if i’m building for Quest would that be worth giving it a try or should i keep trying to get the Mac version working? advice appreciated!


first of all, thank you.

I’ve tried to follow your steps and I’m still encountering a problem which I understand is why I can’t connect the quest 3 to Unreal efficiently.

I’m not sure if the image will load, but if not, let me explain. The main difference I see with your installation is that I don’t have the option “Launch Meta XR Performance Windows,” instead, I have “Launch Meta XR Project Setup Tool,” which prevents me from continuing with the configuration.

Do you have any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you very much,.

Best regards,

What do you mean by “Quest 3 to Unreal efficiently”? Is it not connecting at all? Your image for “General Meta XR” is correct as of Meta XR v63.

I have had a lot of fun with MacOSX builds of Unreal. The most reliable way I have found to make things work is to build from Oculus source using XCode and then proceed from there. I feel Epic approves Mac builds as stable if XCode doesn’t crash more then 10 times.

I had the same with my engine build from source. Just hit continue :-). Worked for me.
Greetings from the Netherlands

I have the same weird square

I’m stuck at SetupAndroid.bat with the following error.
I followed Epic’s guide for Unreal and Quest.
Used Compressed Java 17.0 in Program Files, removed JAVA_HOME variable. Consistently getting this xml error. Is my sdkmanager misconfigured?

Using sdkmanager: C:\Users\justh\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
… 5 more
Update failed. Please check the Android Studio install.

I’m just going to ask, is Android Studio installed?

I’m getting the same error when launching in the project launcher. Did you ever figure this out?
Also Whenever I package the game all the materials are gone and everything in the game is completely white. Been trying to figure this out for weeks now.

Can’t seem to edit so replying again. I was able to get past that error by instead making a custom launch profile: Platforms → Project Launcher → Under Custom Launch Profiles press Add → Profile settings I used:
Build: Development
Cook: checked Android_ASTC
Cooked Cultures: left at en
Cooked Maps: checked my map (was VRTemplateMap for me)
Package: Do not package
Archive: left unchecked
Deploy: copy to device, and checked my quest 3
Launch As: Standalone Client

In case anybody is having the everything being white problem I seem to have fixed it by just changing some settings on the directional light which is weird because when I changed it back it is still fixed.