[Common UI] Flush input 2 frame delay

Trying to get common UI working but one issue I have is flushing player input must be done 2 frames after a widget is pushed. Digging in to this a bit seems like the main issue i’m having is here:

bool UCommonUIActionRouterBase::CanProcessNormalGameInput() const
	if (GetActiveInputMode() == ECommonInputMode::Menu)
		// We still process normal game input in menu mode if the game viewport has mouse capture
		// This allows manipulation of preview items and characters in the world while in menus. 
		// If this is not desired, disable viewport mouse capture in your desired input config.
		const ULocalPlayer& LocalPlayer = *GetLocalPlayerChecked();
		if (TSharedPtr<FSlateUser> SlateUser = FSlateApplication::Get().GetUser(GetLocalPlayerIndex()))
			return LocalPlayer.ViewportClient && SlateUser->DoesWidgetHaveCursorCapture(LocalPlayer.ViewportClient->GetGameViewportWidget());
	return true;

DoesWidgetHaveCursorCapture does not get updated in real time and it takes a tick for it to be accurate. Worst thing is CanProcessNormalGameInput isn’t virtual so no way of overriding this behavior. How should I get around this?

The Common UI plugin is a bit weird. It is powerful but i had some issues with it. The Lyra game is also a good place to look at for reference. I wrote some custom code for handling ui elements and extended the functionally a bit. I dont remember exactly what my issue was but i ended up using the Set Input Mode instead.

I see… should of been more careful using a beta plugin.
I ended up an engine change so CanProcessNormalGameInput is overridable.