Coming Soon: The Unreal Engine forums are leveling up!

For me, the only thing I really mind is the bloated posts. Ironically, the design can be reverted back to the old forum design by just zooming out to 80%:

Image sqashed on purpose to save space.

The only other two problems I have is:

  1. There’s no scrollbar or pages on the topics, so there’s no way to jump to threads (e.g. to find an old thread, you have to scroll all the way to it with the mouse wheel).
  2. Besides bold and italics, there are no formatting tools like font, size, color, or even underline.

Everything else is ok:

Infinite scroll:
Imo it’s actually better than pages. If you need to go to a post, you scroll straight to the post using the forum scrollbar instead of having to figure out which page it was on. You only need to use the mouse (no keyboard) and the number of operations is reduced:

  1. Click and hold the scrollbar
  2. Move the scrollbar up or down to post number
  3. Release

Also, you can type the post in the url and it will go to it as well.

Great feature. Though, there should be an option to hide replies to a post from the main thread if you’ve already read them at the post. It’s constant deja-vu reading replies twice.

Fast & easy structuring:

  • Play around with with star (*);
    • it does
      • a lot
    • of
  • things,

as well as other symbols.

With the bugs:
They already acknowledged bugs could happen in the first post of this thread, so there’s no surprise there. The bugs will eventually get fixed.

With the signatures:
There’s technically already a place for signatures: where the “Marketplace Creator/Rocket Beta Users” is. They can just put the signature there. Make it a signature “title” which fits on top, and when you click it, the full one pops up, just like when clicking the profile pick. Or even better: it can replace the post itself with the signature, so you would switch between the post and the signature. And, since you only view one at a time, this would allow you to have big signatures without taking up extra space.

But, for the time being, you can emulate signatures by using a

bar to separate text, which is done by typing (***) on a single line. Alternatively, if you want to be considerate and save space, you can hide it like this:

Click here to see my signature.

Click here to go to this post.