I have trouble with specifying OnSelectionChanged of ComboBoxString event in C++.
The standard way with AddDynamic seems doesnt work.
pTerritorySelector->OnSelectionChanged.AddDynamic(this, &UEditorScreen::OnSelectTerritory);
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2664 'void TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void,FString,ESelectInfo::Type>::__Internal_AddDynamic<UEditorScreen>(UserClass *,void (__cdecl UEditorScreen::* )(FString,ESelectInfo::Type),FName)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'void (__cdecl UEditorScreen::* )(void)' to 'void (__cdecl UEditorScreen::* )(FString,ESelectInfo::Type)' Strategeist F:\Spirits\SpiritsUEClean\Strategeist\Source\Strategeist\UI\EditorScreen.cpp 38
How I should include this ESelectInfo?
If I add that, I get another error that AddDynamic has too many parameters.
Also, this FName should refer to method name instead of method pointer?
Unfortunately the forums still down in this moment and I didnt find any solution and documentation doesnt say anything about correct parameters here.
thanks for the help,