Hi everyone,
Me and a friend are creating a ninja third person multiplayer combat game similar to a Naruto Storm/ Dragon ball Xenoverse combat system.
We have characters launching shurikens in front of them for now, with some animations and we wanted to include a camera locking system so you could lock on player 2 with the camera targeting on an invisible point between the two players just as Naruto Storm or Xenoverse. Do you know what would be the easiest and most efficient way of doing so?
Sadly all the tutorials I’ve found for that are working in singleplayer or on an Enemy blueprint and we want the locking system to work on the ThirdPerson Blueprint so it can lock others players but not the owner of the Lock On.
Do you guys have any ideas on how to do so?
We have a locking system working on another player right now.
But… We cannot switch between targets. Furthermore, Unreal returns None trying to access Get_Array_Item, do you know what we have to do?
am trying to do same thing but my system looks so like robot
but in another games its dynamic and smooth , anyidea
set control or actor rotation. depending on how you are doing this you may need a custom event or a rep notify function to do this in multiplayer. I had this working the very first time we tried doing this. rebuilt the blueprint because we had an entire game packed into one blueprint. ive discovered some error. setting control rotation on an rinterp works just fine for an aim assist but we want to do an aim lock when holding melee. for some reason using the branch from a replicated variable it will only set the rotation on remote machine. the player doesn’t actually lock on his screen with out setting control rotation. im doing this on tick because the aim assist lock needs delta time to smoothly assist the crosshair. strange that the screen isn’t following the actor this time around. the first blueprint worked just fine (actually too good) in my first blueprint I have a very complicated set of custom events. some are multicast some are just execute on server. then a raw custom that happens on client side to set a timer to set the control rotations or actor rotations. my problem this time is that the actor rotation refuses to affect the camera while control rotation does just fine.
EDIT: I compared both blueprints. The only difference was a setting on the camera called use Pawn Control Rotation. Why does checking this make actor rotation node useless? You would think that it would be the other way around. unchecked on 4.22 it still uses the pawn control rotation as well as allowing the actor rotation node to set the rotation. not sure if this is a bug or a backwards bool.
If you wanted to do an aim assist you would use an r interp node on control rotation but if you needed an aim bot that didn’t miss you will want to set the actor rotation and make sure the camera settings are set however you need to follow that rotation of the actor. dont forget to set the control rotation at the same time you set the actor rotation or otherwise whenever the unlock happens it will snap back to original location. also you will need to use an is valid on whatever actor the lock on is targeting because if they die or disconnect the rotation will snap to 0,0,0 in world.