
Hi Everyone,

I currently receiving this error when adding this line of code into AndroidManifest in project setting " " when trying to package and/or deploy to Android. I already declare AD ID permission in Google Play Console but the error still priciest.

Error: ERROR: AndroidManifest.xml is invalid System.Xml.XmlException: ‘android’ is an unexpected token. The expected token is ‘=’. Line 6, position 27.

I also use the default Billing 4.0.0 and 5.0.0
Android Billing Plugin without success.

If i remove the “ Error” it will package but once i upload the build in Google Play Console i get an error stating that i need to add that piece of code in order to see Ads.

Does anyone know hoe to fix this issue ?

saddly no one answered this

Hi Juan,

Try putting the permission code under ‘Extra Permissions’ rather than ‘Extra Tags for Manifest’ as linked


Doesn’t work

Found solution?

This has worked for me!

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This worked for me, ran into the issue today. Thanks!

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