I’m working on a system of placing decals onto an object, and then using a SceneCaptureComponent2D to render those decals to a new texture. The problem I’m running into is when I export the Texture Target produced by the capture component, the image is way darker than the viewport. I’m sure it has something to do with lighting and post processing, but I don’t even know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey @Jstraub12!
Would you mind sharing your settings/blueprints that you are using to create your new texture?
In the meantime, check out this thread that has a very similar issue to yours that has a solution that may work for you!
Any additional specifics or info you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!
This is a screenshot of the viewport at runtime. It’s an orthographic camera, no lights in the scene, with Min and Max EV100 set to 1.0. The materials are both unlit using the emissive node for color:
This is the output .png file. Setting the Render Target to a gamma of 2.2 gets it much closer, but I still have the issue of the image getting darker as you move out from center:
What I’m trying to do is export just the colors without any lighting/post processing/etc. Basically I want the whites to be pure white, red to be 100% red throughout the entire image, and so on.
It’s probably a simple solution, I just can’t find it
I got it working! I tweaked so many things I’m not even really sure what the fix was. The 2.2 gamma correction was not it, however. What I ended up doing was using static meshes with an unlit material stacked on top of each other instead of decals, and that seemed to work pretty well. I’ll attach a video of what it looks like during debugging, and if anyone is interested in how I got this working, just reach out!
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