Collision sphere showing on server, I only want it on client

I’m quite new with UE and I don’t understand why my collision sphere is also happening on the server. It is also showing the UI to all client.

Any idea what I could do and what should I modify to make it happen only on the client side?

Screenshot or video would be very welcome :slight_smile:

The servers copy of you is overlapping as well, so the logic that shows the pickup text is loading there as well.

You need to use flow control (Conditions) to separate client, sim and server execution.

It does work thank you!

I would have prefered that the triggered was only known by the client and not the server though.

I’m not sure it is optimal for the server to know which user “can pickup an item”. Knowing that they did pickup is important but that they can, :thinking: not sure. But for now at least, it’s working :slight_smile:

Thank you!!

Technically the server is the authority, so it should be the proxy handling game play events. The client should get the overlap text, but the server proxy should be handling the actual pickup, attach, inventory logic etc.