Collision or Physic problem

Hello, i have a big problem, i’m work on a build game project, i want purpose a " realistic " gameplay yo build, whit phsyic collision, for that, i use a sweep, i spawn a bloc’s name " pipo " in my case on location of my camera, after thath i use the sweep for move my object to my impact poin of linetrace, but he have a space between " pipo " and the other surface … according the case the wird space is not constant … " Pipo " is a simple actor, my collision is simple and fit exactly the mesh … i d’ont understand, i have try whit a projectil component and the result is same … someone can help me ?

Here, the video for see exactly the problem : Collision precision bad - YouTube

Sorry for my bad english haha !
Thx <3

ps : i can’t upload the screenshot but, if you need to see the bluprint, i have make another post here who have a screen :stuck_out_tongue: : Collision or Physic problem - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums