Collision component shape and particle effect at point of contact

This is actually two questions in one:

  1. Based of the attached image, the best possible shape of a collision component I could think of for the “Attack Ring” was a cylinder. But UE4 doesn’t have such a shape (only capsule, sphere and box). In that case, what would be the best alternate way to achieve such a feat?


Just in case, I did provide bones in the “Attack Ring” for sockets or the like, if necessary (four bones on each quarter).
Note: The ‘character’ is meant to spin during play.


  1. Also, given that I do have a collision component, how do I make particle effects (for instance, sparks) appear just at the point of contact of the collision component?
    I know the primary aspects of Cascade (as I learnt from the YouTube channel), but am unfamiliar with data exchange between Cascade and Blueprints.


the easiest way of creating an easy collision for your mesh is:

  • Open the Static Mesh (Editor) and use auto convex to create a simple autoconvex collision shape


  • In your BP create an hit or overlap event with your static mesh component and get the hit location
  • With this location as output plug it in this node:


  • This node is the particle effect spawn node. Select the effect that you need.

I hope everything is clear. If i*ve missed something let me know.


Firstly, thnx for ur reply, but the object I’m trying to add collision is a skeletal mesh and not a static mesh.
Also the object/character is constantly spinning. if i set the location as such, how will i make it update to a different point? I guess the picture will better tell u what I’m trying to say.

I will reproduce your issue tomorrow. Mybe I could need it too. I like it, sounds like fun and i now can imagine what you want to achieve.

Hehe, thanks! I’ll be waiting for ur results.

For now, keeping the particle emission issue aside, is there a way to add some sort of a custom collision shape (possibly cylindrical would be best) for a Skeletal Mesh? I’m not too sure, but does the UCX shape method work for Skeletan Meshes the same way it does for Static Meshes?

There are a few stuff i want to test out with an AI which requires collision, so it would be nice if i could get a solution for this first. :slight_smile:


before i can continue the reproducing:

Do you really need a Skeletal Mesh? Because Skeletal Meshes does not have a regular collision. They have a PhysicAsset (PhAt).

Now the PhAt looks like this:

The capsule collision component is fine but you can see that the wheel can collide above or below the wheel. This can result in strange effects.

The better solution would be to use a static mesh with a convex collision shape.

Yes, you are correct that using the capsule/sphere collision will have weird results if it collides above or below the mesh.
The reason i used skeletal instead of static mesh was because i assumed particle effects needed to be assigned to a certain socket/bone joint if i wanted to use it in a character Blueprint.

Sorry, this is ignorance on my part. If it’s possible to do what I am desiring with a Static mesh, please do show me.

Also, can a Static mesh have it’s own blueprint? Because, when the game is completed, I want the player to be able to customize the parts (i.e. Attack Ring, Weight Disk, Blade Base etc) to something different if they want. Hence each of these parts need to have their own stat variables like Attack, Defense, Durability etc.
This was why I wanted them to Skeletal Meshes instead of Static meshes.
I noticed character Blueprints only accept Skeletal meshes as the primary mesh. Initially i wanted to create these BPs and then later cast them to the main character BP where all these “stat variables” will be added together.

I know this sounds like a really painful method, but i am not aware of alternate methods. If I do use Static meshes instead of skeletal meshes, is there a way to add these ‘stats’ i mentioned as smth like custom parameters? Unlike, the main character BP, these ‘stats’ will be fixed value that don’t need to be changed. So I’m assuming there should be a way to do this that I don’t know of. :confused:

What will your “Character” look like? Is it just the wheel or will there be a human standing on the wheel?

It’s just the top most chip that has the dragon picture. That’s the beast that’s meant to control the entire spinning top (Beyblade). This is why other parts can be switched but that chip cannot (since that’s the character).

There won’t be any humans involved in the beyblade’s gameplay. There will be a human that launches the beyblade but that has no connection to this entire thread whatsoever.

It’s kind of like when the player (for example Assassin’s Creed) changes swords. The swords each have their own damage stat.
Similarly i need the parts to have own stats which the chip’s BP can access when they are changed in their respective sockets.

I am on it. Could take 1 or 2 days. Hope you can wait :smiley:

It was a little challenge. Please try and tell me, if something is unclear:

Sorry for the delay, but I was having trouble opening ur file using 4.11 so it took me awhile to download 4.12.
And what you did did work but not precisely what i was trying to do.
The spawning at the collision point was fine. But the problem was that if the pawn stayed in contact with another mesh for more that (apprx) 1 sec, the sparks stopped. it needs to keep spawning for as long as it stays in contact.

Another issue was that it leaves a trail of sparks on the object it touches which is pretty unrealistic. here’s the image

One last thing is, for some reason, even if the event is OnComponentHit (BasicChip_Mesh) which is the Cogwheel asset, the sparks seem to occur at the sphere’s contact point.
I’m a little confused :confused:

It was a quick built :smiley: I will look on it again tomorrow.

It will take 2-3 days. i will produce a clean project. I need that too cause i have to dive a little bit deeper to collision.

Whoa thanks! o.o
It’s fine, I’ll wait. I’ll do smth else in the meantime. :smiley:

I have sent a friend request to you. I will give you the new download link via chat.

I would support you furthermore. I think, crushing environment and enemies with a spinning wheel sounds like much fun. This is the perfect condition for a good game. I also have a lot of work, but i can take time whenever possible. You can write me in chat when you need help.

Hey, since i can’t attach images on chat, I’ll put this here:
I noticed later on that sometimes the sparks spawn somewhere away from the impact point (maybe if the cube is at a certain angle).

Also, strangely, a little smoke also spawns at the initial position of the pawn if the pawn collides. lol

Hello SpectraXCD, are you still working on this project?