I insert a new StaticMeshActor (box) inside the level editor by dragging it from the modes panel. If I open the blueprint, I can see that the root component is Static Mesh. Then I add another static mesh component as the child. I set the collision properties on both static meshes to BlockAll.
During gameplay, when I move it (change the XYZ coordinate) to collide with another Actor (also has BlockAll property set), it failed.
The collision on the root component of the static mesh component work perfectly. However the child component does not collide at all and went through the other actor. Why?
I wasn’t able to reproduce this collision issue that you are experiencing. I’ll list exactly what I did as an attempt. I made a new blank project with starter content and added a Shape_Cube static mesh to the scene. I then made a blueprint out of it and then in the blueprint editor added another static mesh component. I then set the new static mesh component to be a Shape_Cone, moved it a bit away from the cube and set it’s Collision type from BlockAllDynamic to BlockAll and then saved the blueprint. I then started PIE and was able to collide with both meshes using the default pawn by walking into them. What method are you using to move this object that is suppose to be colliding with the static meshes?
Why is this Answerhub not allowing me to comment when I used 10 attachments? It’ll be difficult to explain it without my screenshots!
Anyway, I’ll give you just some screen shots that I hope will make you understand better. Basically I created a blueprint from StaticMeshActor class. The root component is a static mesh. I added another StaticMesh component as a child. I set the collision property of all meshes to “BlockAll”. I put that bluprint in the view port along with 2 other actors (derived from Actor class and the root component is StaticMesh). I also set the collision property of all their meshes to “BlockAll”.
Then I played it in a new window. The collision work perfectly for the root component but not the child component. This is a bug.
While I was looking into the issue, I figured out the exact reason as to why the second component isn’t being stopped, it’s because Sweep isn’t being calculated for the child component, but only for the root. After knowing that, I did a little asking around the office and found out that we’ve actually already got this bug in the database thanks to this other bug report: Sweep only works with the Root component? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
Unfortunately there isn’t any workaround I can provide at the moment, but I will update you when the issue itself is fixed.
I didn’t see the update on this as the bug was entered by another of our staff but you can find the bug report on our public database here:
It seems that the developers in charge of this section decided that it’s not something that will be added anytime soon and is considered to be intended functionality at this time.