Hi I’m new to unreal 4 and I’m trying to make a spawn manager that will detect if a spawn point is active and spawn their but I can’t find a syntax for if my ASpawnManager class collides with a ASpawnPoint class box and it is active.
(not really worried about the last part if it is active just want to see where I can find if two specific classes are colliding with each other)
or is this something that should be done in blueprint instead?
Hi ,
Check this functions.
void AGameMode::RestartPlayer(AController* NewPlayer)
AActor* AGameMode::FindPlayerStart( AController* Player, const FString& IncomingName )
In shooter game when player die, executes RestartPlayer function, it search for all PlayerStarts in which player can be spawned (IsSpawnpointAllowed, IsSpawnpointPreferred) and than spawn player in random player start.
All checks for colliding it is simple test for capsules intersection.
Best regard,