Collision between component and SkeletalMeshActor with Simulate Physics off


I’ve made the below blueprint to have a character swing a stick around:

In my scene I have a SkeletalMeshActor which is just idle and I want to be able to hit it with the stick and send it into ragdoll. The problem is, no matter what I try, batMesh never recognises the collision as long as Simulate Physics is off on the other actor. If I turn it on, it registers the hits. I have tried all combinations of collision presets and ticked on any detection I could think off.

Hold point registers a hit on the other actor because the sweep on its setRelativeLocations fires (it does not work with sweep ticked off). BatMesh is however a child component of it so the sweep ignores it. Is there anyway to register this hit in my current setup?

Do I have to swing the bat around with something other than relative location and rotation?

Kind regards,

Maybe the other actor mesh asset doesn’t have its collision primitives set up yet, but has physics assets, so it will do simulated physics collisions but not kinematic collisions? Just wild guesses but something to try.