That is the output when i clicked Build button. I don’t know how UBT works in the core, but here is my guess.
It can’t find [PROJECT]Game and [PROJECT]Editor build file. Not sure how it is generated originally. But no matter when, i can compile fine from VS. So i assume it is generated when IDE starts building.
Here is the output when VS builds:
Maybe CodeLite build button doesn’t call a command it should call, before calling build command? I will take a look if i can find what is the reason. This is all i can do at the moment.
Did you watch my video how to use CodeLite? I explain that targets are projects and for you game you will have two additional projects in your workspace. Let’s say you called your game = TheLast. You will a project called “TheLast” which is your game target and “TheLastEditor” which is your editor target. I recommend watching this at least: CodeLite as primary IDE for UE4 on Linux - YouTube
Well mono on Windows is not needed you’re right must be a bug but what is that ? Are you using the custom builds to cook and package? That is something I did on a whim so better use unreal frontend for that. If you want to have that on windows I can fix that of course
I really wish i could. But my computer is a tost machine which uses a patoto as cpu. I can’t compile the engine myself because RAM is not enough. I only can compile the engine inside Linux using swap, which is useless for you
But i will give it a try inside linux in a few days. Nowadays college has started so i am really busy.
I have realized something that needs to be taken care of.
First, the problem is, if the editor is not running, building the project fails. I compared CodeLite with VS to see the difference. After making some research i realized that:
While Editor is not running, if build is started, this output is given:
My first guess was something regarding Unreal was wrong. Because when editor running, it wasn’t the case and building was done properly. However i made a comparison with VS and CodeLite and found this.
VS calls build.bat and adds -rocket to command. I made a comparison between all build and clean commands. Here is an example:
As you can guess all rebuild does is calling clean first then build.
Here is the output of new build command:
I am going to check if those params are needed inside linux. However i doubt it, since you have been using it inside linux for a long time. Also i have no idea what the situation is inside OSX.
**EDIT: **For short -rocket and -DEPLOY for build and -rocket for clean is needed inside Windows.
**EDIT2: **I have tested those inside Linux, and found that those parameters are invalid inside Linux. Don’t know OSX but probably they are Windows only.
Well I tested with and without it works. What is the deploy flag? Maybe the rocket build is only for those ue4 used from Binaries not the one compiled from source source.
I have asked it at answerhub. But couldn’t get and exact answer.
Only thing i learned is -rocket means it is being compiled from editor. Therefore not deleting hotreload files(which would crash the engine). However i don’t think thats exactly the truth since VS also uses -rocket. I just don’t know
-rocket means it compile like launcher version, it won’t compile toghther engine souce files only your project modules and project plugins, meaning you can rebuild without worring that your engine bineries will be killed.
@, I am having issues with CodeLite too. I went to plugins in the editor but did not see CodeLite as an option. Do I need to do something before I can see an option to use CodeLite as my IDE? I rather use QT or a built-in code editor. I have been having so much trouble trying to setup Unreal so I can use C++ though that I was ready to try anything just to get a working C++ Unreal environment setup.
I was able to download the zip of 4.10 and now I see the codelite plugin. Its checked now. Unfortunately, I still cannot get anything to run though CodeLite. I don’t have any issues building the project. I built it in CodeLite and got an executable. I just seem to have some kind of strange runtime error. It crashes saying that it caught a SIG11 and reports that there was a problem accessing a memory address.