I have an Event Tick in an actor that 1) addForce and 2) setWorldRotation, both applied on the root which is a static mesh component. In this way, all works well. My actor moves and rotates correctly.
Now I want to replace that by two Actor Components, one for each behavior.
- PropulsionComp : at Event Tick, addForce on its owner’s root component
- RotationComp : at Event Tick, setWorldRotation on it’s owner’s root component
Each of these component works perfectly when I add it to my actor. But when I add them both, I have an issue : The actor doesn’t move each frame I change the rotation.
I understand that SetWorldRotation changes brutaly the tranform of the actor, while AddForce is only touching to its velocity. But I can’t figure out why it works well in the actor and not when dispatched in components, and how to resolve it.