You people really need to stop and think before you do stuff.
obviously merging a cloth mesh disables cloth.
Why would it not?
You are taking an indexed mesh, attaching it into another mesh, and changing all of the indicis.
What do you think the cloth settings from the originally indexed mesh are going to achieve on the new mesh where the indicies are different?
If your question were to be why does the engine not read the data and re-create what it needs after merging - you could potentially have a point.
But we are talking about epic here.
You are lucky the engine works at the 2fps it works with, don’t go asking for nice things…
Additionally though, skeletal mesh merge works at runtime - and generating/saving the cloth data can take up to an hour depending on the vertex count.
So you are obviously barking up a very wrong tree.
What you want is something that is not done at runtime. Saved, stored, and ready to be re-used.
If that means just leaving individual meshes attached, then thats what you have to do.
I know of no engine where a runtime merge manages to create one skeletal mesh, recompute Physx based cloth, and utilize it on the model on the fly.
But - some engines offer you the possibility to direct what mesh indicis to leave alone:
You can therefore say this is the first mesh, do not change indicis, the rest are those meshes here, once done, apply the cloth back onto it - which still takes processing time - and it does usually work.
If you code up your own version of a skeletalmeshmerge with cpp you can potentially try to get this done even in unreal - but i doubt it would work in pacrice because the associaction of cloth is engine editor driven only, at least for the physx cloth…