Cloth Simulation Discussion


I’d like to get on an very important subject, where I assume others are also facing the same issue, when it comes to “Cloth Simulation”.

The subject in matter is “Cloth Simulation using Complex Collision”.

Complex Collisions are disabled by default for Cloth Simulation, and not sure if anyone ever managed to have a Cloth Colliding using Complex Collision, that will be great to know!

Simplified Collisions are good yes, especially for performance, as they’re much cheaper, but that’s not always the case, when it comes to Cloth Simulation.

We had to find out the hard-way about Cloth Simulation requirement of “WorldStatic” as changing a “Static Actor” to a Moveable, also changes the Object Type to WorldDynamic, which needs to be changed back to “WorldStatic”, for Cloth to keep Colliding.

There’s a ton of things, which could make use of Cloth Colliding with a “Complex Collision Mesh”, like for example:

A Stairway, where we’ll use Complex Collisions, for the Characters in order not to look like they’re walking “In the Air”, yet, if we do that, the Cloth will eventually not Collide with the Stairway, which yes can be resolved by using Convex Collisions under the Stairs, but really, that’s the way of resolving these problems?

We need Complex Collisions to also respond to Cloth Simulation, yes it will be heavy performance wise, but we’d like to have that option, instead of looking for 3rd party solutions.

Thank you.

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