Close shadows are not visible on stationnary models

Hi guys,

I have a shadow problem on my phone (Mi Note6 - using the android Low setting). No problem when testing on PC via the play button (even with Mobile Preview ES3.1) or when testing on a more recent phone.

As you can see, it looks like only the shadows of stationary model parts above a certain height are visible.
When the camera gets closer to the object, the problem is attenuating (I mean, it’s far from good but at least it’s attenuating :stuck_out_tongue: )
Here’s how it looks on pc (like it should look :D) :

Buildings need to be stationary as they will evolve and therefore cast a different shadow.

There is only two lights in the scene, one directional (I think all the important infos are visible on the image below) :

and one skylight (static with SLS Specified Cubemap)

Only things I changed in the Android Low settings are these :
I tried changing Material quality level to like 2 but the problem still occurs.

I tried many things but I don’t get where the problem is coming from. And again it works perfect on PC or newer phone so it’s probably not from the lighting.


Ok, so more infos on this =)
The problem comes from the aspect ratio of the camera.
I want to change i based on the resolution of the device it is played on so I don’t render parts that are not visible (I have a top and bottom bars that hide the view kind of like the red parts on this screen :

So, if I can avoid the camera to render these pixels that will be hidden by the UI that’s better for performances.

But as I said, I noticed that if I change the aspect ratio of the camera, the problem becomes more or less visible.
Any idea how to avoid that weird behavior ?

Btw, is there a way to modify the title of the thread (because I know the problem comes from the aspect ratio, so it may help people later if we find a solution).

I believe there’s mobile specific cascade shadow settings.