CLion doesn't recognize UE4 Classes

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use Unreal Engine with Clion on Windows and I’ve installed and set MinGW as the default tool chain.

And I can compile and view the changes in the Unreal engine. (Except hot swap I don’t know why that didn’t work but not important at the moment I guess.)

But as you can see some of the classes are not being recognized by Clion even though I can ctrl+right click and find the class itself.

When I view the class it has a warning at the top like this:

Also this warning shows up when I first created a c++ project. I don’t know how or should I add the unreal classes to the context of this project?

I can see the run configurations are generated looks like there isn’t any problem at all. I don’t know that FakeTarget is but it’s the only option for Executable.

I also have installed Unreal Engine 4 SDK Support on my Clion. Also Clion plugin is already available and enabled on my Unreal Engine 4 plugins.

What I might be missing here? Is it possible to use it without errors? Is auto complete available ?