Client side movement to random position in multiplayer

Hello everyone,
I would like to have a stress test headless client. Client should connect to dedicated server and move around to randomly generated positions.

I created navmesh, created random movement controller which derives from AI Controller, posses user pawn. But of course this did not work with dedicated server. So what I did, I created all of that on server side, and gave control to AI Controller to newly joined player in postlogin of gamemode. Now client uses random movement controller, to find point and call MoveToLocation. But this does not work, it just does not move. I know that when server would find point and call MoveToLocation it will work.

I don’t want server to find points and move player. I want to mimic behavior of player but on client side. I want server to just replicate movement to other users, same way as it happens for regular input. I personally don’t want to mimic inputs, want to find paths and just move player there. How can I achieve that?

Thanks for help,


how does the client tell the server that it is moving? screenshots would help.