There’s a problem with my multiplayer game,
the listen server has no problem possessing his/her character,
but the client doesn’t possess his/her character, it’s like the client’s in spectator mode from Minecraft,
Listen Server: (The listen server’s character is circled in black, also see how the health bar (circled in blue) and stamina bar (the blue thing in the middle of the health bar) are full?)(also take note that the character on the right of the server’s character is the character the client’s supposed to possess.)
Client: (See how it’s not possessing anything? and how it’s health and stamina bar are empty? The character circled in blue is the character the client’s supposed to possess and the character circled in black is the one the listen servers possessing.)
Is there something I need to do in the blueprints or do I need to do something else?