Client doesn't perform action unless listen server is "watching"

Hi all,

To start, I’m still pretty novice at UE4, let alone replication. However, I do have a 3rd person killing floor-esque project setup with some placeholder zombies and players.

The problem is this: when I play test and have the zombies spawn, sometimes they don’t move correctly if the server player is looking away (they play the animation but don’t move in the world).

Similar instance for melee. I have an animnotify state setup in C++ that plays a multi channel dependent trace during certain parts of the animation when the character swings a weapon. However, if the client player is meleeing zombies by themselves and the server is facing a different direction, it’s more often than not the “hit” isn’t registered. For reference, my animnotify state tick event sends socket locations where I draw a collision capsule which is then being actually drawn by the server.

When the server player is looking at everything the client is doing, the game plays perfectly. Is this some kind of a relevancy matter? Tried looking around for a solution but didn’t see anything similar come up so any help is appreciated.


Client trying to melee and nothing happening with 2nd zombie moving in place in the back

Client meleeing while server is “looking” and everything working (zombie gets hit by trace) and 2nd zombie got close

Figured it out. Turns out this is an issue with mesh not ticking properly when out of sight. Default value is “always tick pose” whereas i needed “always tick pose and refresh bones”

Hope this helps someone.