Client Character cannot activate Gameplay Ability after respawned

When respawn the client player character, I can operate (move & jump) the new spawned character, however I cannot activate the Gameplay Ability. (Server player can do it.)

Refer to the GAS documentation (GASDocumentation/ at master · tranek/GASDocumentation · GitHub), I made an AcknowledgePossession in my Player Controller C++ class.

When respawned, the new spawned character has the active ASC and Ability Lists.

Un Possess / Possess was done by Blueprint.

How can I improve this? If you know how to do, please teach me.

Without seeing the code, it’s hard to say. With that said, my first guess would be to check where the input is being binded for the ASC

I finally solved this problem by myself. In my character C++ file, I added the section below.

Thanks for your reply!

void AXXXCharacter::OnRep_PlayerState()
AbilitySystem->InitAbilityActorInfo(this, this);

  • AbilitySystem mean UAbilitySystemComponent instance
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I’m late but thank you for this, this saved me lot of time