Hi, I have this character that does basic stuff like walking, jumping, dodging and attacking. However, when I run the with a server and a client user, the client can’t do certain things, like jumping or dodging.
void ACharacter_Base::CustomJump()
if (!CharacterMovement->IsFalling())
LaunchCharacter(mBaseJumpVelocity, false, false);
Ehm, everytime i read something like “Client can’t do something” i think about a problem with replication.
Are you sure you don’t have to replicate the Jump/Dodge function?
Maybe the Client wants to jump, but the Server doesn’t know this and updates the position back to his version of the client. Normaly a Client asks a server to do something. Than the server does it and replicates it back to the client.
So you are not directly controlling your Character. I guess you need to call a “run on server” function that sets the bool or calls the function you want.