Hey was wondering why sometime my friends couldnt join my game but i found why it fail sometimes
If server guy is running and shooting some bullets and doing stuff on level so it trigger some RELIABLE RPC
if client try to join at this moment it will fail
but if server guy wait properly and do nothing, so no reliable rpc running, then client can join with success
is that normal? controller and pawn have a net priority of 3 and my other replicated stuff got net priority of 1
my reliable rpc are blocking any new client to join, if i set all those rpc to non reliable then client can join when he want
I feel like I may have noticed something similar to this. Is this in PIE only or does it happen in packaged builds as well? I’m trying to track down a bug where my connecting client is immediately kicked upon attempting to join which I believe is correlated with me simultaneously generating user input.
I want to add that I don’t think setting reliability of RPC is culprit. Almost every RPC in UT codebase is marked as reliable. I’m going to dig a little; if I resolve my issue I’ll post it here.