I want to buy Unreal Engine 4 with my PayPal account. But when i click paypal button, it takes me to the error page like this : http://tinypic.com/r/27y1vue/8
Please help me, i want to buy UE4 VERY MUCH!!
I want to buy Unreal Engine 4 with my PayPal account. But when i click paypal button, it takes me to the error page like this : http://tinypic.com/r/27y1vue/8
Please help me, i want to buy UE4 VERY MUCH!!
Hi ,
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end. Can you post what steps you are taking before this occurs? Further, what country are you located in? There are several that paypal does not support. Thank you!
Hi ,
Have you tried clearing your cache of history, cookies, etc? Also what browser are you currently using?
I’m from Turkey. And first, i tried to buy UE4 with my mastercard (Ininal card). But when i fill the boxes, it says “Sorry, the payment amount is invalid” , there is a photo: http://tinypic.com/r/2vkdh4w/8
So, i tried to buy UE4 with paypal. But i got that error page. First, i click paypal button in payment page. https://www.unrealengine.com/payment After that i click “I have read and agree to the End User License Agreement.” and click “Check out with PayPal”. Then it takes me to the this page: Online Ödeme Yapın ve Para Gönderin | PayPal TR
And i log in to my Paypal account, i click “Accept and Pay” button. And it takes me to the that error page: http://tinypic.com/r/27y1vue/8
Im repating, im from Turkey. And i have 41 TRY ( $19.50). And UE4’s price is 40.2785 TRY ( $19). I mean, i have got enough money in my credit card and paypal account. Why can’t i still buy UE4?
Google chrome. No i haven’t tried clearing my cache of history or etc. Let me try with internet explorer and try to clear my cache of history
Tamamdır bildiririm fakat sanırım durum anlaşıldı gibi. Amerikada yaşayanlara $19, bizim gibi diğer ülkelerde yaşayanlara ibneler 19 eurodan satıyorlar. Bu da demek oluyor ki aylık 60lira vermek durumundayız. Yapacak bir şey yok, başka çözümler arayacağım…
Aynı hatayı ben de sürekli alıyorum. Bir çözüm bulursan lütfen bana da bildirir misin?
I am also from Turkey, having the same issue. I thought that the currency was the problem here. So I have exchanged turkish liras on my paypal account for euros, but no luck.
Paypal’a para aktarıp mı ödeme yapıyorsun? Ben paypal’a sanal kart tanımladım , 100 TL limitle kartı teyit ettim. Limit sıkıntım da yok. Ama yine de ödemeyi kabul etmiyor. Belki de Türkiye üzerinden ödemeleri güvenli bulmuyorlar.
Hi ,
And also I am from Turkey and i am getting the same error when i try to pay via paypal.
Hmm, enteresan. Ben kartımda yeterli miktarda para yok diye sorun oluyor sanıyordum. Supporta ticket attım fakat aldığım cevap “paypal sayfasında çalışma var, daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz” oldu…
Şu kaybettiğimiz zamana şimdiye programı çözmüştük ilk projeye başlamıştık. Kolay gelsin, bir gelişme olursa ben de haberdar ederim.
Teşekkürler, başka motorlarda da iş yok gibi ne yapıcaz bilemiyorum.
Aynen, Sadece Blueprint bile başlı başına kolaylık.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your reports. We are currently investigating this issue with users in Turkey attempting to make a PayPal payment and receiving this error message.
We will update this post as soon as we have more information available. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your interest.
Can you please verify that you have a code/Post code entered for your address in PayPal?
If you do not have this, please add it, and try again.
Thank you.
Paypal’a postakodu ve adres ekledim şuan indiriyor
Ücreti 19$ olarak aldılar. Şimdiden kolay gelsin bol şans.
Hi Ellis,
thank you so much , my download has just started
We dug into this issue, and it appears that this was happening (in atleast one case) because the postal code was not set.
if others have this issue please contact at UnrealEngine dot com