Clear lightmaps in level?

is there any way to clear lightmaps in level? when i put new light lightmaps are still there and want to just clear them out.

Hello intoxicat3,

Have you tried rebuilding your lighting? This is the only way I know of how to rebuild your lightmaps and update your level with changes added.

If this is not what you are talking about, could be be more specific as to your current issue. A screenshot is always helpful :slight_smile:


There is a button in the ‘World Settings’ tab called “Force No Precomputted Lighting.” This deactivates Lightmass’ ability to produce light and shadowmaps, forcing the level to only use dynamic lighting.

It’s a feature request - just add a button to clear out the lightmaps as in Unity. It’s really helpfull

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Yes I know but this isn’t what I reqested.

For example - I’ve a really big level with rebuild lighting. I’ve added one light to check if the spot near will look better - when I add new light lightmaps are still there, so I need to rebuild the lights and wait 5 minutes to check if the light fit there. The button for clearing lightmaps is really handy and I’ve see couple of people was asking about it in Forums.

If you turn on Force No Precomputted Lighting, you still need to rebuild to get rid of the lightmapss. Another thing is that this bool is changing whole rendering to not load lightmaps on start - this is to much complicated compared to “Clear Lightmap Data” button.

Absolutely needed feature, i would like anyone derailing this request to stop spamming.

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Andrew’s answer given here already does what is requested, though it’s two buttons presses rather than one. I also use Unity daily and it’s no different (when you clear LMs in Unity it basically sets the lighting to dynamic/non precomputed). In UE4 - just set “Force No Precomputted Lighting” to on and then hit build. As no lighting data is needed the result is instant - all lightmaps cleared. Is there a reason this doesn’t meet your needs?

Im having an issue right now with a game Ive built where rebuilding the lighting is literally eating up all my memory… is that something I have done wrong or would changing to dynamic lighting fix this issue, thanks.

That sounds like a different issue as this post was essentially a feature request. We request you make a new post highlighting your issue with as much detail as possible so either myself, or another staff member can effectively assist you.


Unreal is way ahead of Unity in the all graphic aspects.
But it’s behind on everything else.