Class Selector Does not function as intended. Publishing Private / Public = broken devices , not broken in the editor. LOGS BELOW...

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Class Selector : to switch teams. And teleport from class selector to in game.
Does not function as intented.
Unable to switch teams, class, or use event binding with class selector. It works in the Fortnite client, and UEFN, then I publish public, and none of the class selectors work on a publiic publish. they work in the fortnite editor, test session, launch session on console and pc.
I am using 8 classes and two teams. Unable to switch teams in the pregame spawn area. Turned off SFX audio and visual but they still play as well.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to content browser and Place class selector in the pregame lobby spawn area
    2/ Settings: switch to team 1 switch to class 1
  2. class selector 2, switch to team 2 class 2
  3. Teleport device: events, teleport > Class selector 1 on team swtiched. same for class selector 2
  4. Editor works great!
  5. Publish map, The class selectors do not change team or teleport. or anything else that is assigned to them like a capture area device> event objective pulse, on team switched
    on team switched is bugged and does NOT work at all
    The cell memory on island is 80k and the fps is 60 fps. something is physically wrong with the class selector device on publish only. not sure if this is when publishing a session theree is a mixup between the time it is uploading? not sure.
    I do not understand why my engine is giving me these problems every day its something else!
    Please HELP

Expected Result

Class selector should switch teams switch class when player enters the zone and teleport when using event bindings . Turned off SFX audio and visual and they still play as well.

Observed Result

SFX and VFX play on the Class selector, Team switch to, class switch to, and event bindings do not work on class selectors



Island Code


Additional Notes

Devices are bugged in public published version and not in the test session / launch session / uefn editor / fortnite client launch session.
I am now just testing linking all of these functions and events to a mutator and assigning a team selector to the mutator. then Plublish public because it works in the test session, and see if that works on the public published version…

LogFort: Warning: AddToSaveContext failed to find object ‘ZoneMesh’ when applying transient overrides [Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84ADE01_1905998650]. Did the object name change?
LogFort: Warning: AddToSaveContext failed to find object ‘ZoneMesh’ when applying transient overrides [Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84ADE01_1905998650]. Did the object name change?
LogProperty: Warning: Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (MaterialInstanceDynamic /Engine/Transient.MID_MI_CP_DeviceZone_Base_02_MutatorZone) from referencer (BaseBuildingStaticMeshComponent /PlunderTheCaves/PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama.PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama:PersistentLevel.Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84BDE01_1093111827.StaticMeshComponent0). Import failed…
LogProperty: Warning: ObjectProperty /Script/Engine.MeshComponent:OverrideMaterials.OverrideMaterials: unresolved reference to ‘"/Script/Engine.MaterialInstanceDynamic’/Engine/Transient.MID_MI_CP_DeviceZone_Base_02_MutatorZone’"’
Warning: While importing text for property ‘OnMeshAndMaterialsLoaded’ in ‘CreativeVolumeFrame_C’:
Warning: Unable to find function PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama:PersistentLevel.Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84ADE01_1905998650.CreativeVolumeFrame.On Mesh Loaded in object /PlunderTheCaves/PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama for delegate (found class: Package)
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSRTC: FRTCClient::GetTargetPlatformTypePrivate: Unable to find local user 000…7bf
LogFort: Warning: AddToSaveContext failed to find object ‘ZoneMesh’ when applying transient overrides [Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84BDE01_1093111827]. Did the object name change?
LogFort: Warning: AddToSaveContext failed to find object ‘ZoneMesh’ when applying transient overrides [Device_MutatorVolume_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C84BDE01_1093111827]. Did the object name change?

LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /PlunderTheCaves/PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama.PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama:PersistentLevel.Device_ClassDesigner_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C822D101_1934260921.BillboardComponent_2’
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /PlunderTheCaves/PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama.PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama:PersistentLevel.Device_ClassDesigner_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C822D101_1934260921.BillboardComponent_3’
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /PlunderTheCaves/PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama.PlunderTheCaves_SkullIsland_CaptureTheLlama:PersistentLevel.Device_ClassDesigner_V2_C_UAID_50EBF693B2C822D101_1934260921.BillboardComponent_4’

Hey, this is a bit of an issue, thanks for the info.

For a change of team to take effect it requires a respawn, which makes anything dependant on team before that respawn ineffective.

Maybe the teams are switched after the pregame but before the game starts and the devices only starts to listen for an On Team Switched event from the start of Game ???

Like a catch22 event

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The status of FORT-730364 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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Thank you, please look into this…

Players joining in progress, are changing Entire team of Players on Team 1, to Team 2 Mid game, Because a new joiining player spawned on a team (Team 1 or Team 2)

The scoreboard shows All players on team 1, that the team color changes, and then the objectives change and all devices think the players are now changed to an opposite team. This occurs when a new player joins the game, or even if a player spawns without using the class selector to “Switch team” which is breaking the entire game. Basically players spawning on a spawn pad after the teams have “Switched teams” with a class selector, breaks the game, and switches ALL PLAYERS to opposite teams in the middle of GAMEPLAY.

Please help!

Thank you,


Game Works in a private session, Not a public session with multiple players due to class selector and team switch bugs.

Players chose teams with class selector and team 2 Teleported, Team 1 did not. They are stuck in pregame lobby (Teleporter didnt recognize team 1).

Player respawns in pregame lobby and spawns on the Team 1 or Team 2 Spawn pad

As you can see, ALL PLAYERS during gameplay all switched team colors without using a class selector, just by one player respawning. They are not recognized as the same team index # that was previously assigned to the team, and the TEAM DATA itself is bugged by changing due to a player respawning on a spawn pad.

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Is there still not a fix for this?
My team selectors aren’t working currently because of this issue.

Works fine in UEFN but doesn’t work in private or public versions like stated in the post

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I just ran into this issue in a private version test and it was working in Session Tests. I am simply using it to change the class and this doesn’t seem to run: