Months ago I started programming a very important component of my game.
At first I did it like this
TMap< TSubclassOf<ASomeBase>, int32> MyDic;
And everything was working fine until I cooked the game and then it exploded.
After debugging it I found that doing it this other way didn’t cause any exceptions.
TMap<UClass*, int32> MyDic;
But I’m not sure if using pointers as dictionary keys is a good idea.
I’m thinking maybe I can do an enumeration and return a static class instead.
Something like this:
TMap<EClassType, int32> MyDic;
SubclassOf<ASomeBase> GetClass( EClassType ClassType)
if(ClassType == EClassType::Type1) return AType1::StaticClass();
if(ClassType == EClassType::Type2) return AType2::StaticClass();
I’m not sure if it would be necessary to do this last one.
Well, if someone with more experience than me could give me their opinion on this I would greatly appreciate it.
I am also open to other possible methods if they are better than these.
Thank you so much!!