Class pointers as keys in dictionaries... Good or bad idea?

Months ago I started programming a very important component of my game.

At first I did it like this
TMap< TSubclassOf<ASomeBase>, int32> MyDic;

And everything was working fine until I cooked the game and then it exploded.

After debugging it I found that doing it this other way didn’t cause any exceptions.
TMap<UClass*, int32> MyDic;

But I’m not sure if using pointers as dictionary keys is a good idea.

I’m thinking maybe I can do an enumeration and return a static class instead.
Something like this:
TMap<EClassType, int32> MyDic;

SubclassOf<ASomeBase> GetClass( EClassType ClassType)
      if(ClassType ==  EClassType::Type1) return AType1::StaticClass();
      if(ClassType ==  EClassType::Type2) return AType2::StaticClass();

I’m not sure if it would be necessary to do this last one.

Well, if someone with more experience than me could give me their opinion on this I would greatly appreciate it.

I am also open to other possible methods if they are better than these.

Thank you so much!!

The best way is to draw lessons from the engine source code.


Definitely the best answer!!
Thank you so much @MIkasa1009

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