Made a small tool to quickly change the mesh and adjust the angle of the pipe in 90° steps.
I especially like this pipe (material) it has this “trapped” feeling but you can still see the player.
Then I thought it might be cool to add a door. I made it red because it is also a part the player can interacth with.
Recently I have been building a “Level Switch System”
The initial setup was quite simple, just a sphere trigger that on hit, loads a different level.
But I think it would be more fun if the player has to activate some mechanism in the level and only then can switch. The lights suppose to indicate the amount of activated triggers or how many are still left to activate.
It works like this, the “Levelswitch BP” get all the “Resonators / triggers” in the scene.
When activating a trigger the boolian of the trigger will set to true. Whenn all boolians are true, the “Levelswitch” will load a new level when entered.

I try to create a single mesh with different materials. You can see the mesh has 3 materials. The metal frame is blue, glass container yellow and the light wire inside is black.
Here is a new mechanic I added recently: a receiver that searches for a signal from a satellite. It needs to be rotated until it picks up a signal, and when it does, the lamp starts glowing, and a distinct sound can be heard.
Later, I made this mesh for it. It has elements of an old phone speaker or a gramophone.
Here is the mesh in Blender.
And here is how it looks in the editor with the right materials applied:
(Using a simple masked material with a circle pattern for the holes)
Now we need a mechanism that sends the signal. I am trying to avoid a generic design, but of course, in some way, it needs to resemble some kind of satelite.
Here is the first design a came up with:
I didn’t like the result. It was too bland and not very creative. I developed it further and settled on a mix of a flower and a satellite dish.
And here is the final in-game result: the panels rotating to convey functionality and repeat the theme of circulation.
I like the style here. You should make a YouTube devlog channel