Cinemtic batch export


Before trying Unreal engine for our need.

I would like to know if its possibible to export batch cinematic.

At every iteration of the script i would like to hide or show specific objects (objects names are picked from a file or .ini) then export the cinematic.
This a thousand times.

Is it possible with C#?

Thanks you.

There no C# in Unreal Enigne other the UBT build scripts (used to configure/script C++ compilation), only Blueprint and C++ for both game and editor and also python for editor only. APIs are the same everywhere but only C++ has 100% coverage, and import and export assets (maybe python may do that too).

Showing specific objects is easy on both editor blueprint and python, but file IO might be problem as UE4 content menager only serielized objects saved in uassets. File IO is not exposed to blueprints (not sure about python) for security reason (possibly use game to do something with file system, but if it’s used only internally this should not be a issue), you might look in too Victory Plugin and VARest that exposes those things to blueprints, VaRest is for HTTP communication, but it has decoding support.

UE4 does have USD support, which is universal cinematic animation format, you might look in to that.