Build Type: Source
Build version: 4.15.0-0+++UE4+Release-4.15
Detailed description of the issue: The child actor visibility is buggy. I added a child actor and made it hidden(Visible and Hidden in game were unchecked). Then with a push of a button I tried to make visible using “Set Visibility” and it didn’t work at all. Toggle visibility works, but I need to toggle it on, then off and on again before it works. I tried it in an empty project and it happened again. Check the video below for a better view of the problem.
Screenshots/Link to video: Video
Repro Steps
Action 1: Create blueprint blank project
Action 2: Create an actor with just a cube.
Action 3: Create an actor with a sphere. Add a child actor component and select the actor with the cube(from Action 2). Move it a little bit so they dont overlap, and make it invisible, by unchecking "Visible" in Rendering settings.
Action 4: Make a simple world and some lighting and drag the 2nd actor (Action 3) in the world.
Action 5: In the world settings, with a push of a button, use "get all actors of class", and select the actor you placed in the world. Get the first entry from the array, get a reference to the child actor component, and use "Toggle Visibility" (or "set visibility"), and check "Propagate to children".
Action 6: Test it!