Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.

Steps to Reproduce

Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.

  1. Open chests in editor
  2. Chests are empty

Expected Result

Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.

Observed Result

Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.



Island Code


Additional Notes

Chests and llamas are empty when index items are populated, the chests are empty.

I have that problem with (item spawners) if i want to pick up (for example) a grapple glove from the ground in my map, it has 0 charges.

Also when i spawn, all the weapons from all players have 1 bullet in their magazine, and we have to reload ALL weapons before we can shoot. Every round… >.>