Checking for Custom Trace Channel in C++

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for away to check in C++ if the user entered the appropriate Custom Trace Channel name used in one of the classes. Is there a way to do that?

Basically you pass in the ECC_GameTraceChannel with the correct index 1 -18, those are the custom ones you defined in the editor

For instance

FHitResult ATracer::DoTrace(FVector start, FVector end) {
	FHitResult result;
	FCollisionQueryParams qp;		
	FCollisionResponseParams resp;
	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(result, start, end, ECollisionChannel::ECC_GameTraceChannel1, qp, resp);

	return result;

Would hit the first custom trace channel

Remember to set trace to block for the custom channel on the object that is supposed to be tested against.

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I’m using the ECC_GameTraceChannel ofcourse. I just want to make sure the user is setting up himself with the correct name.

Then I guess you could try

You can see binding between ECC_GameTraceChannelX & in-editor names in your project’s DefaultEngine.ini . They looks like:


Then you can just create a header with

#define ECC_MyCustomCollisionChannelName ECC_GameTraceChannel1
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