Cheap IMU over Bluetooth

Just wanted to give some of you more adventurous types some ideas!

SensorTag2is a cheap ($30) IMU (and a bunch of other sensors) over bluetooth with an sdk. It’s small and battery powered, so you could attach a bunch of them at different body points…

Cheap DIY body tracking?

Hmm, depending on the transmit rate/latency, you could probably use that IMU for some interesting tracking purposes (like the tracking the orientation of your torso relative to your head, or when your feet are level on the ground)…

The humidity sensor could be a ghetto Galvanic Skin Response for biofeedback during gameplay…

Might be able to extract a heartbeat signal from the thermo/IR if you can get it to measure or transmit at 4hz…

Could get it to beep at you if you’re about to do something dumb in game…

The microphone may be useful as a clapper for activating various in-game features… okay yeah I’m stretching.

The module was mostly made to connect to smartphones, so perhaps there are cellphone-based tie-ins that would be compelling in some respect… Especially with the Gear VR

They’re also selling “devpacks”](Hardware Kits & Boards | Design Resources |, none of which look terribly useful…

Here is the design spec sheet:

I was mainly thinking about the 9-axis IMU sensor it has embedded (and here is an arduino version: GY - 9250 MPU-9250 9 Axis Sensor Module Sale, Price & Reviews | Gearbest). You could use a bunch of these on different body parts to determine your posture. E.g. 2 of these on each arm should give you an drift free positions of your wrist relative to your shoulder, but the other sensors is where you can get very creative like you’re thinking zalo; all without wires at low power usage.

From the bluetooth spec: Bluetooth Low Energy - Wikipedia
It seems the BT transport latency should be between 3-6ms + whatever CPU time it would take.


Just found about this DIY project using an arduino, bluetooth, and an MPU-6050. I would replace the MPU-6050 with MPU-9250 so you also get the magnetometer in the package, but otherwise the project is really cool!

He is even using the unreal engine to compose the final posture, looking forward to the plugin.