Character Won't Animate!

Hey all, quick question here, I got a 3rdPcharacter that I have a Bp for walking, running etc. But it doesnot seem to move forward when directed, only backward or left/right bkwd etc sometimes. Can anyone advise to what went wrong?

Hey @Hai_Nes!

Unfortunately, there’s really not anything anyone can do to help without more information, specifically information from your animation Blueprint for your character! There are a lot of ways to go about it so we need to actually see what you’re doing! :slight_smile:

Get us some more info and let’s check it out!


My apologizes, it slipped me, I’ll get them now

Perhaps you can upload screenshots? These images are difficult to see, unreals default character movement system usually sets you up for movement in all directions, have you modified that system at all?



Let’s take a look within this state machine, there should be a state with a movement blendspace in there!

Forgive me for the delay
ROF/ MB, I’m trying to sign-in but it won’t let me


Yes I made some additions but it wasnt affected by it. If I disconnect some nodes in Bp,then hit Play, character moves around but in T-pose

I have a question about your movement issue that may be silly, but could you clarify when you say the character won’t move FORWARD? Do you mean the animation doesn’t play and you slide along? Or do you mean that the character itself can’t move forward at all?

Because if it’s not moving forwards at all, that means it’s not an animation issue. Also all of your animation graphs look fine. :slight_smile:

What is “Prone Trace”? Because it’s possible that it is affecting your movement input without you wanting it to.

Hey bro, not a silly question at all.

ok 1st answer: My character moves along all directions except for ‘forward mvmnt’. It’s as if something invisible is holding him back. I clicked Show Collisions on but I don’t see anything at my feet

And 2nd answ: Prone trace was made to detect and correct any angular floor positioning when prone, so that I’m not horizontally clipping through say when ‘crawling up some stairs’, instead I’ll be parallel to that angle I’m on.

Edit: I disconnected the Prone Trace and Tank Mvmt nodes but still have similar negative results. :slightly_frowning_face:

Have you double checked the scale numbers in your axis mapping?

It does look like it is creeping forward, maybe stick a print string in the handler and hook up Axis Value, does it read 1 when your forward input is pressed?

no I never altered the forward Axis Movement but plays forward, back, left and right, 1, -1, -1 and 1 respectively on the Print string


Just to be clear, you tried this?

If you didn’t, try that. If the issue persists, make a comment around those nodes saying to reconnect them to remind yourself, and LEAVE THEM OUT for testing! :slight_smile: Simplifying things for testing makes it easier to pinpoint your issue because there may be a bug in there, as well, and you could falsely think it was the thing you were working with. :slight_smile:

But yes if you tried this let us know what changed, if anything! Changes are ALWAYS relevant, even if it isn’t the solution.

Hey MB forgive me I tried but the problem still persist. I even went back to a previous save file and copied everything in the character BP that I thought was relevant but still no dice :sweat_smile:

Waaait a minute.

Your gun. Take off the gun. It might have collision on it preventing you from moving forwards and you’re colliding against it, which would explain why you can move any other direction!

Remove the weapon entirely (temporarily, obviously) and then see if that fixes it. If it does, you just need to worry about the collision of your weapon’s skeletal mesh!

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Honestly this is my 1st attempt to removing a component, temporarily, instead of just deleting it. I’m a noob in ue4, can u advise😅

Don’t worry, that’s exactly what you need to do! Just delete it. Then compile and run it.

Once you stop the test, you can use CTRL+Z to get it back. :slight_smile: or just add it back onto the player.