Hey, I’m new to Unreal Engine. I am trying to make a simple game. Player character will throw an actor (like frisbee) and the pet will follow it and bring it back. Pet is following the player character with no problem. But not following the frisbee actor. When actor spawned and threw, pet only came to the spawn location.
Agree that you need some isvalid and print strings to check for errors, but on another note (and I could just be super tired at this point or you forgot to add a screenshot) but the code im looking at spawns the ‘frisbee’ throws it, calls the follow event with a destination of 0,0,0 - do you maybe need to get actor location and feed that in there. (or else thats doing something else and your dogs ai movement happens on the success follow event (in which case id like to see that event)
then again if this is already occurring in your pet bp then why are you getting Actor of class ‘bpCharacter’ and feeding that to target… unless thats your frisbee… like i say im tired.
Spawn the frisbee. Give the pet a reference to the frisbee.
In the PET class have it get the location of the frisbee once a second (Set Timer). Do a trace from the frisbee location toward the ground. Use the ground location as the Move to.
When the frisbee lands You need to fire an event to notify the pet of the landed location, so it doesn’t keep doing the trace event.
Thanks all of you for your replies. @Rev0verDrive 's advice worked for me. I line trace to the ground from frisbee and set this as pet’s location. I am sharing my blueprint