Character-Movment, changing rotation speed, making it less snappy, more drifty

Under the character-movement component it’s possible to play with the braking coeffecient(s), gravity, friction, etc. I was able to get it set up so my character accelerates and decelerates over a few moments, like inertia. I want to do the same thing, but for their rotation.

Ultimately, the idea is to make a multiplayer game where there are hovertanks/hoverboards, with drifty moment.

I’ve done things with line-traces and the like using physics, but I am also of the understanding this can be (more) problematic with less-than-quality connections; it could/should work if I try and replicate, but will magnify issues vs what you get with prediction, etc as built-into the CharacterMovment Component.

So! I was of the mind to make the 'tanks Characters, set things up so they moved a bit drifty, and let the built in controls work for me as well as they could, I would think they are at least better than what I would be able to get set up.

However, the rotation is still snappy/instant on/off, as soon as I press/release the key; very binary. I cannot see to find a configuration-setting that will make rotation like forward/backward acceleration/deceleration.

Ultimately, I’d like a network-friendly(friendlier) way to have a player/character accelerate/decellerate when rotating, like a drift-car. If:
a - there is a setting I just-missed and someone can point it out
b - if there is a preferred way to do it in blueprints
c - do i need to create a custom charactermovement component for this?
d - do I just add torque and deal with the consequences?

This is my current input setup:


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.